Speed Queen- Your Ultimate Commercial Laundry Solution


In any commercial sector whether it is any hospitality management sector or any institution, having a proper Laundry System is paramount. In places like hotels, restaurants and hospitals, there is always a severe thereat of virus contamination. Not only virus contamination, even if the bed sheet of hotel rooms or uniforms of the staffs are not clean and tidy, but it may also have the worst impact on customer satisfaction. In this case, investing in Speed Queen Commercial Laundry Machines is of a great benefit. With the help of Speed Queen Laundry machines, running a laundry solution in any commercial sector is smoother and easier.

Care for fabrics

Speed Queen Laundry machines are so advanced that it doesn’t only take proper care of the fabrics of the clothes but also make sure that the colour doesn’t fade with washing.

Innovative Controls

Speed Queen Commercial laundry machines come with an innovative control panel and mobile application to complete the job more smoothly and efficiently. These machines are designed with modern technologies.

More Profitability

Speed Queen Laundry machines for restaurant and spa are fully automatic that refers to low manpower. Moreover, machines consume low water and electricity. So, it means that you can also save huge money on operating cost. Low operating cost with minimum labour charge can earn you more profits.

Bulk Laundry

With Speed Queen Laundry machines, you can wash a bulk laundry at a single time without the fear of any contamination. In health care sectors, there are high chances of contamination. Speed Queen Hospital laundry machines come with double door facility to separate clean and tidy clothes.

These are some of the most important reasons to invest in Speed Queen Commercial Laundry Machines. If you want to know how you can invest in the industry’s best laundry machine, you can contact Straits Laundry Pte Ltd for the best assistance.



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